Zero Waste
Over consumption uses natural resources and contributes to the climate crisis
Phone breaks? Toss it and buy the latest model. Favorite T-shirt rips down the side? Toss it out and buy a replica. Food waste on your plate? Dump it in the trash, rather than fussing with a smelly compost pile.
But all this waste and consumption has major impacts on the environment and climate change. Waste ends up in landfills, polluting cities, and ecosystems, or floating in garbage patches in the oceans. More resources are required and more emissions are emitted as humans source materials and make more and more goods for people to buy.
How a Community Learned to go Zero Waste, By Joseph Winters. The Guardian, Dec 7, 2023. A pioneering city scheme is putting France’s ambitious waste-reduction policies into practice.
Zero Waste Guide. World Economic Forum, Feb 13, 2023.
Doughnut Economics: Seven Ways to Think like a 21st Century Economist. By Kate Raworth.
Best selling introduction to the doughnut shaped alternative to growth-driven economics.
The Growth Delusion: The Wealth and Well Being of Nations.
David Pilling outlines how GDP came to be the all-important economic metric for governments.
A Green New Deal for people and places. The New Economics Foundation. Jan 14, 2022.
The Green New Deal would not only curb the worst effects of climate breakdown but would reprogram our economy so that it works for everyone. Blake House filmmakers coop visited people and places across the country to ask what the Green New Deal would mean for them. From farmers in Lancashire to students in Warwickshire, participants share what a fairer and greener future might look like for their communities, and express the need for a big, bold reimagining of our economy in order to get there. Find out how we can an achieve a Green New Deal:
Fairytales of Growth, April 17, 2020. A film on Climate Change, Degrowth and System Change.
The effects and risks of climate change are compelling young people the world round to call upon radical system change as the only solution to avoid a catastrophic collapse. Featuring Jason Hickel, LaDonna Brave Bull Allard, Wendy Harcourt, Giorgos Kallis, Marta Conde, Alnoor Ladha, Filka Sekulova, Federico Demaria, Rupert Read, Tokata Iron Eyes, Maria Marcet and Greta Thunberg. Original score by Marvin Dez and Oliver King (geminimooncollective(at)gmail.com), this film looks at the role economic growth has had in bringing about this crisis, and explores the alternatives to it, offering a vision of hope for the future and a better life for all within planetary boundaries.
Wellbeing Economy Alliance
Uniting 'organisations, alliances, movements and individuals working towards a wellbeing economy.’